Section 1031 of the bill (the section ACLU is hollering "Fire" over) states: "Congress affirms that the authority of the President to use all necessary and appropriate force pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40) includes the authority for the Armed Forces of the United States to detain covered persons (as defined in subsection (b)) pending disposition under the law of war." In essence, the bill does extend the terror battlefield to the entirety of the United States. Common sense dictates, however, that the more undocumented aliens cross our borders, and the more Muslims we appease as part of our politically correct culture, the more America becomes a battlefield.Section 1032 then states: "The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States."
--A lot of Americans just do not trust the Federal Government. So no matter what the language in the bill says, many Americans believe that the US government will be able to detain indefinitely US citizens if they are suspected of acting against the government.
Personally, this is a guise to avoid public panic; and like most Americans, I to am errie of our American Government. There use to be a time when our government respected the wishes of the people and tried earnestly to provide a safe and healthy civilization for the American people. However, now, the Government knows how vulnerable we American people have become, and so now, we fear the government, when they once reveranced "we the people"
IN THE POST, "IRAQ IS OVER, BUT WHAT IS ON THE DRAWING BOARD?" the plans that lie ahead for the American citizen is almost heartbreaking if you do not know the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ. There have been some talk of "Unbridled violence and the suppression of democracy are two sides of the same process. The revelations by the Post come less than two weeks after the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act, which for the first time provides an explicit congressional imprimatur [an authorization allowing a book or other work to be published, now usually confined to works sanctioned by the Roman Catholic Church] on the indefinite military detention of US citizens and non-citizens alike, at the discretion of the president."  And also, SINCE ISRAEL BECAME A SOVEREIGN IN 1948, IT LENDS TO CONCLUDE THAT ONLY 7 YEARS ARE LEFT TO FINISH UP DANIEL'S 70-WEEK PROPHECY. THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF THE LAST "SEVEN": And for those who know your Bible, consider the message. "..and the...n the lawless one will be revealed"
Hence, when I put the two together, guess what I come up with? The Antichrist leader is coming to the forefront; The stage is being set under our noses. People, we had better wake up, pray up and look up. Now is no time to be inconsistent in your faith in Jesus Christ. These are serious times and delicate hours for your own precious souls.
Do not let the "hearsay" of the Media, Government, or Church officials tells you whats-up, you must know the Lord for your self--a personal relationship with the "Lover of your soul".
There are secret organizations, with some severe government heads, that are playing for keeps....organizations that we know not what they speak. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their own soul salvation...time is running out and I personally would not like to be "Left Behind." The Great Tribulation is "No Joke". A time that death will even escape people who wants to die but cannot--you got it, sheer hell!
So, take heed, that no man deceives you. When you here of revolutions, commotions, wars and rumors of wars, when you begin to see changes in the depths of natural disasters, and all these things are now, take heed. Jesus said, "Behold, I come like a thief" we do not know the hour, the day, or the moment, but He gave us clues, just as He did in the Old Testament, when He declared "Today I set before you, Life and Death, choose Life."
Its as plain as day. He wants you to know the Truth, and come to the revealtion of the knowledge of His Word--Believe that Word- and so be "Saved" from the Wrath to come.  If you need help, my book, "VENGEANCE OF WAR" will help you understand the "Invisible God Who Speaks" there are chapters that will allow you to comprehend what is the "Salvation of God" and a good understanding of who this invisible God truely is. You can purchase the book by Kindle for a small price, and start  becoming more sensitive to the "Spirit" calling you safely home.