In 2001, Supreme Court authorized Detention of American Citizens
Are we being fed propaganda from the United States Government where our lives, my life and the lives of my children, my children’s children and my great-grandchildren are concerned, for the sake of public panic? For those unfamiliar with the word ‘propaganda’ it means “Half Truths.”
The results of research and my writing Vengeance of War, has both saddened and angered me at the courage or enterprising mentalities of our World Leaders. What ever happened to morality and respect for human life? Ever since our government leaders decided to remove “God” from sources of the criminal justice court systems, our educational systems, and the old fashion ways of disciplining your child, which are forever gone from our value systems, this old adage comes to mind: “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything”.
The American People have become so dull of mind and brainwashed with the antics of Hollywood, the fear of the government, and no respect for the sanctity of the Holy Bible, makes me furious because of what is definitely on the horizon for the American people under the guise of Humanitarianism.
All the while, we Americans go to the polls and vote for people who we try to believe will do some good for the betterment of the people – that’s a joke with no punch line, I personally think that, “For the People and By the People” in our Declaration of Independence, these words are smudged by innocent blood running through our nation’s streets from coast to coast and abroad; detrimental cover-ups against the American people by American and Foreign governments, and global mind-control coupled with Imperialism, and for what – oil and monetary gain for World supremacy? Please, give me a break.
And when it’s over, done with, gone, I’m told these fellas will be casting their gold and silver to the rodents, running for fear of the Day of the Lord.
Everyone has heard of the new bill signed into law on December 31, 2011, by the U.S. President, which has sparked enormous concern for the “Civil Liberties” of the American people –“The National Defense Authorization Act.” As a writer, I am prone to take apart words and put them back together again, now the words ‘national and defense’ sparks interest to me because, defending the United States of America has prompted so much debt, most Americans could not phantom the amounts spent under this guise, thinking, ‘Oh, the defense budget, well, that sounds like we should have our military forces empowered to protect us, so I guess that’s okay.”
If you do a little checking behind those people you trust in Washington, you would find out why this American is steaming. With our “defense budget” the United States of America, home of the brave, land of the free, is using untold amounts of financial resources, tax-payer monies too, to finance secret and covert operations that our other “secret” government does not want many of us to know-- that’s another story – except you become suspect towards their dealings versus what they are telling the American public. Please look at the "The Big Picture."
In compiling my research and the controversy of the newly signed Act, I’ve come across some interesting information, to give anyone with reasonable intelligence a reason to be very afraid of what’s next on the horizon. “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free”-von Goethe.
First of all, as if to say this isn’t enough, the controversy of the newly signed Act, centers on sections of the bill that would purportedly allow the U.S. government to detain U.S. citizens indefinitely without trial or even being charged –supposedly suspect of being affiliated with terrorist organizations- emphasis added. The Examiner, states, “If true, the claims would be very disturbing; Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution states, “The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion, the public safety may require it.”
Upon closer examination and research, , the wording of the statement, much like the wording of the law, is intentionally misleading. In the statement, the White House asserts according to The Examiner::
“Section 1021 affirms the executive branch’s authority to detain persons covered by the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) (Public Law 107-40; 50 U.S.C. 1541 note). This section breaks no new ground and is unnecessary. The authority it describes was included in the 2001 AUMF, as recognized by the Supreme Court and confirmed through lower court decisions since then. Two critical limitations in section 1021 confirm that it solely codifies established authorities. First, under section 1021(d), the bill does not “limit or expand the authority of the President or the scope of the Authorization for Use of Military Force.”
Unfortunately, the “established authorities” being codified [To reduce to a code: to codify laws - emphasis added] do allow for the indefinite detention of United States citizens, a measure approved by the Supreme Court in the Authorization for Use of Military Force of September 18, 2001.
Now, this is FROM THE WHITE HOUSE, immediate release, dated December 31, 2011: “ the President speaking…
…..Moreover, I want to clarify that my Administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens.. . . My Administration will interpret section 1021 in a manner that ensures that any detention it authorizes complies with the Constitution, the laws of war, and all other applicable law.
Notwithstanding, for example, under the definition of the legislation, the President could authorize the military to attack the ACLU building because they have supported the “terrorists” by arguing for their civil rights. OUCH!
I am not a rocket scientist, but I think this man is saying he does have authoriaztion to detain, and with trial; may detain indefinately, and that any detention by the United States Government comply with the U.S. Constitution, the laws of war, and all other applicable law. When the Supreme Court authorized the detention of American citizens in 2001, the measure became Constitutional. Hope I don’t miss anything, how about you? Double OUCH!
Secondly, “Under the heading of ‘civil disturbance planning’, the U.S. military is training troops and police to suppress democratic or, self-governing opposition in America.” Current U.S. military preparations for suppressing domestic civil disturbance, including the training of National Guard troops and police, are actually part of a long history of American 'internal security' measures, dating back to the first American Revolution. Generally, these measures have sought to thwart the aims of social justice movements, embodying the concept that within the civilian body, politics lurks an enemy that one day the military might have to fight, or at least be ordered to fight.” This tells me, I better not even think about protesting my Constitutional Rights, and have the overtone of defending someone who was arrested under ‘suspect’ within these laws. OUCH.
Because there are different political perspectives as to what an appropriate balance is between individual freedom and national security, there are no definitive objective standards to determine whether the term “police state” applies to a particular nation at any given point in time. Thus, it is difficult to evaluate objectively, the truth of allegations that a nation is, or is not becoming, a police state.
One way to view the concept of the police state and the free state is through the medium of a balance or scale, whereby any law focused on removing liberty is seen as moving towards a police state, and any law which limits government oversight, is seen as moving towards a free state An electronic police state is one in which the government aggressively uses electronic technologies to record, organize, search and distribute forensic evidence against its citizens.
To me, that sounds like the current state of ourUnited States of America and reflect the serious fact that, the U.S. Government can declare you a terrorist, enemy combatant or a threat to national security and revoke your Constitutional Rights, and then play the “National Security” card when asked to explain their allegations—what ‘code’ will that be?. That’s a Double Whamy.
Under the former 1989 Guidelines, the FBI first had to obtain evidence suggesting some kind of criminal activity before its agents could begin investigating. Under the FBI's new May 30, 2002 revised Guidelines, FBI agents are authorized to carry out “general topical research” and retain files on this research. The 1989 and the new 2002 Guidelines expressly state that the FBI must not launch investigations “based solely on [citizens’] activities protected by the First Amendment or on the lawful exercise of any other [federal or Constitutional] rights.”
Between the years of 1956-1971, the F.B.I. conducted domestic “counterintelligence programs” (COINTELPRO) to spy on, intimidate, and radicalize political dissident or, rebel groups. The F.B.I. had carried out covert operations throughout its history, but the target of the COINTELPRO operations was [then] radical political organizations.
However, the F.B.I., military, and police forces have a notorious record of illegally quashing citizen dissent. Frank Morales's article, “U.S. Military Civil Disturbance Planning” in the Spring-Summer, 2000 issue of Covert Action Quarterly, exposed “Operation Garden Plot.” Check it out.
Public panic can not be overstated neither overrated, and very well may be guidelines that governmental officials should use because of the various personality types "running" around all over the world, looking at the big picture. However, consider this bit of information that, many of you may already have read or know of in reference to what is termed a "false flag":
A false flag operation is best described as a covert operation conducted by “governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities.” cited from
Excerpt from Emphasis added.
The second factor to consider for false flag operations is the need by the "secret" government to maintain exclusive control of all extraterrestrial technology and evidence found around the world. This involves the removal of any physical evidence of extraterrestrial visitation from the public realm, and the relocation of this to the classified scientific laboratories of the US or other major nations.
There are numerous instances of extraterrestrial vehicles crashing around the planet. These have been documented and analyzed in a recent book by Ryan Woods, Majic Eyes Only. In all these cases, governments are expected to comply either through inducements or sanctions with these covert efforts led by the secret government which is global in scope. National leaders who do not comply run the great risk of being removed from office.
The third exopolitical factor is the need to gain control of any territory that once hosted ancient civilizations that contain artifacts providing valuable information or technology left by extraterrestrials. These ancient civilizations have buried within their ruins much information and even technology gained through extraterrestrial intervention that allegedly occurred millennia ago. For example, there is much evidence that the ancient Sumerian civilization was sponsored by an extraterrestrial civilization known as the Anunnaki. Sumer, known as the cradle of western civilization, was located in southern Iraq and was subjected to a number of archeological excavations supported by Saddam Hussein’s regime.
There is growing evidence that the 1991 and 2003 US led military interventions in Iraq were aimed at gaining access to some of the ancient archeological sites in Iraq in order to find any information or technology concerning the Anunnaki. The fabrication of intelligence data concerning Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and alliance with terrorist organizations was a false flag operation intended to justify US military intervention in 2003 in order to ensure Iraq’s extraterrestrial assets could not be exploited by Hussein’s regime or fall into the hands of strategic competitors such as Russia and China. Evidence for this fabrication came in the September 2006 Report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence that confirms that intelligence data used to justify the Iraq war was ‘overstated’.
The fourth exopolitical factor concerns the use of weather modification technologies that former Secretary of State William Cohen confirmed as existing in 1997. See “Postwar Findings about Iraq's WMD Programs and Links to Terrorism and How they Compare with Prewar Assessments”, available at: . htp:// .
Excerpt from Emphasis added.
The second factor to consider for false flag operations is the need by the "secret" government to maintain exclusive control of all extraterrestrial technology and evidence found around the world. This involves the removal of any physical evidence of extraterrestrial visitation from the public realm, and the relocation of this to the classified scientific laboratories of the US or other major nations.
There are numerous instances of extraterrestrial vehicles crashing around the planet. These have been documented and analyzed in a recent book by Ryan Woods, Majic Eyes Only. In all these cases, governments are expected to comply either through inducements or sanctions with these covert efforts led by the secret government which is global in scope. National leaders who do not comply run the great risk of being removed from office.
The third exopolitical factor is the need to gain control of any territory that once hosted ancient civilizations that contain artifacts providing valuable information or technology left by extraterrestrials. These ancient civilizations have buried within their ruins much information and even technology gained through extraterrestrial intervention that allegedly occurred millennia ago. For example, there is much evidence that the ancient Sumerian civilization was sponsored by an extraterrestrial civilization known as the Anunnaki. Sumer, known as the cradle of western civilization, was located in southern Iraq and was subjected to a number of archeological excavations supported by Saddam Hussein’s regime.
There is growing evidence that the 1991 and 2003 US led military interventions in Iraq were aimed at gaining access to some of the ancient archeological sites in Iraq in order to find any information or technology concerning the Anunnaki. The fabrication of intelligence data concerning Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and alliance with terrorist organizations was a false flag operation intended to justify US military intervention in 2003 in order to ensure Iraq’s extraterrestrial assets could not be exploited by Hussein’s regime or fall into the hands of strategic competitors such as Russia and China. Evidence for this fabrication came in the September 2006 Report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence that confirms that intelligence data used to justify the Iraq war was ‘overstated’.
The fourth exopolitical factor concerns the use of weather modification technologies that former Secretary of State William Cohen confirmed as existing in 1997. See “Postwar Findings about Iraq's WMD Programs and Links to Terrorism and How they Compare with Prewar Assessments”, available at: . htp:// .
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